Photo/Video Shoot Studios

Since October 2009, we have a photo and video shoot studio with Cyclorama, a beauty room, private toilet and changing room. You may visit the photo-video shooting room by appointment only.

Studio D

General Area: 1900 pi 2
Dimensions: 55′ X 35′
Height: 16′
Light Capacity: 400 Amps three phase
Cyclorama: 20′ X 20′ X 16′
Technical Equipment: Electricity:
100 Amps – Sound
400 Amps – Lighting
12 Fresnels 1K
15 CYC 500W
Strand CD80 Dimmer Module
Leprecon Lighting Console
Sound equipment on request.
Amenities: Make-up room (2 places).
Hairdresser’s sink.
Dressing room.
Soundproof and A/C.